Resultados: 3

Caracterização da prescrição de medicamentos por enfermeiros nos protocolos de Atenção Primária à Saúde

Rev. enferm. UERJ; 24 (3), 2016
Objetivo: caracterizar o modelo de prescrição de medicamentos por enfermeiros nos Protocolos de Atenção Primária à Saúde no Brasil. Método: realizou-se análise documental etnometodológica de 10 protocolos clínicos publicados entre 2002 e 2011 pelo Ministério da Saúde. A coleta ocorreu de ago...

Medication and test prescription by nurses: contributions to advanced practice and transformation of care

ABSTRACT Objective: To carry out a documentary study on the rules, guidelines, policies and institutional support for the nurse to prescribe medicines and request tests with a view to the advanced practice in the scope of Primary Health Care. Methods: Documentary research using open-access institutiona...

Legalization ofnnurse prescribing of medication in Brazil: history, trends and challenges

Texto & contexto enferm; 24 (3), 2015
ABSTRACT This study aimed to identify the legal and normative contours of nurse prescribing of medications in Brazil, showing its history, trends and challenges. It is an exploratory study conducted through desk research of nursing law, the Health Ministry and the health sector norms to address this issu...